research group

Dozens of students have been a part of the research team over the years.  Here’s a quick look at the students who logged the most hours in the lab.  (Unfortunately, I haven’t kept up with everyone.  If you’re one of those alumni that disappeared, please get in touch.  I would love to hear from you!)

Undergraduates who completed an honors thesis and/or co-authored a publication:

  • R. Brittany Merola (BA CHEM/SPAN ’07) –  Ph.D. Duke University,  Nicholas School, Earth and Ocean Sciences
  • Bryan R. Bzdek (BS CHEM ’08) – Ph.D. University of Delaware, Chemistry
  • Eric D. Fournier (BS ENST ’08) – Ph.D. University of California at Santa Barbara, Bren School, Environmental Science and Management
  • Michael Mattei (BS CHEM ’13)  – PhD. Northwestern University, Chemistry
  • Diana S. Arndt (BS CHEM ’16) – Master of Chem Sci., University of Pennsylvania
  • William A. Peterson (BS GEOL ’18) –  staff geologist, Roux Associates

MS Students:

  • J. Ryan Bailey (2007) – R&D chemist
  • Christopher A. Heist (2010)  – PhD. Oregon State University, post doc Georgia Tech
  • Whitney L. Dudek (2013) – analytical chemist
  • Kelly N. Ambruso (2019) – Laboratory instructor, Swarthmore College
  • Nathan T. Fretz (2019) – Associate scientist, Weston Solutions